Showers and moose trottings.

We are well moved into the cabin now though I am still working on making it a home and moving stuff from old house into storage.  It takes a long time when trying to work and move everything without a truck.  We have been able to get everything on the top of the car and inside so far.  I am pretty proud of my shower enclosure and think it looks pretty cute as well.

Before the shower set up, this tub made a handy bath.  Wish I had a galvanized tub.

Stand in the tub, tuck the shower curtains in, turn on the nice warm water.  This enclosure also is where the porta potty is kept…  It’s nice that the tub is portable and can sit out on the porch when not in use or doubles as a dirty clothes hamper.

The copper tubing was a piece I found at the transfer site.

A few days ago I was standing at my kitchen sink washing dishes when a moose trotted passed my window right in front of me.  It about gave me a heart attack!  Here is a picture of a moose at the end of our driveway where it meets the road.

16 thoughts on “Showers and moose trottings.

  1. Ashley jaramillo says:

    I am so interested in your shower! My husband and 9 month old will be moving into a dry cabin tomorrow and we are interested in putting something like this together. Any tips and hints? How much water do you use for a shower and do you just carry that tub outside and dump it after the shower? Any hints about living without running water in general would be much appreciated!!! Love your blog!!! Thanks!


    • cloud9doula says:

      Thanks Ashley. It’s always nice to know people appreciate it. The shower was actually really easy. I used a big bike hook to hang the bag from the ceiling. The only problem I had with it was that the hose was a bit too long and so when I went to rinse my hair, the hose would kink. So I ended up just bending forward to rinse my hair. I could have shortened the hose but was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to get the shower head back into the tubing. I could take a full shower with a full bag of water. And I have really long hair so have to use conditioner even. I think the bag was 3 gallons, maybe 2.5. My kitchen sink actually drained outside so I would just pour it down the sink. But yes, you could just pour it outside.

      Living without running water is pretty simple. You end up learning to do the dishes in two wash basins, one for wash, one for rinse. Wet ones are your friend as are paper towels. I had a big stock pot on the stove that I would use to heat the water. Remember, you don’t have to heat it all the way. I used a cut off milk jug to fill the shower bag with. You can also get a membership at Planet Fitness for $20 a month and take showers there. But they don’t allow kids.

      Good luck with the cabin experience. After having running water this winter, and frozen septic, I was really missing my waterless setup!


  2. cloud9doula says:

    Well Mark, I’m looking for a bigger cabin as we speak…hint hint.


  3. Mark says:

    You’ve done very nice with the place, too bad I didn’t know you needed help with a pickup truck!


  4. Ceci says:

    I see the moose! He (she?) is a big guy!


  5. Portia says:

    Are you going to move the shower outside when the weather warms up? It will probably be awhile for that to happen, but considering our weather down here is getting into the 70’s, that thought came to me. 🙂


    • cloud9doula says:

      Our weather is getting up to the 30s. We may move the shower outside when it warms up but it probably wont be warm enough for too many of those very often. While it DOES get up to 90 sometimes, it is normally not that warm and 80s are much more common. Then too, you have to deal with the mosquitoes…


  6. Laura says:

    This sounds interesting. Water consumption is something my family needs to work on so I’m going to follow along and hopefully learn a few things.


  7. Susan says:

    Love the shower setup! It’s all coming together nicely, G!


  8. Lori says:

    YOU GO GIRL!!!!!

    Love the ingenuity… will you teach me 🙂



  9. Ceci says:

    Wow, the place sounds amazing and it seems everyone is adjusting as well as can be expected. We hit the mid 70s here today and I was grumbling that it was going down to the 40s tonight….I’ll just keep my mouth shut. BTW, maybe it’s just me but I can’t see the picture of the moose 😦


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