Anniversaries and the Right Path

I’ve been working off and on this post and saving it without posting, waiting for the time to finish it.  Well now it is full on winter and I still haven’t finished it.  Looks like that’s not going to happen so I’ll just post it as is.

A few years ago, when we moved into the original dry cabin, our plan was to live cheap in order to save for our own little cabin in the woods.  That plan was interrupted but I am so happy to say that I have gotten us back on it.  A couple of years in this new place and we will be all set.

We’ve had a very busy summer.  So I’ll try to hit the high points.

My friend Lori and I were going to go camping on Eagle Summit but changed our minds at the last-minute, breakfast at Hilltop, that morning.  It was raining.  So we decided to take a road trip up to the Arctic Circle instead.  The skies looked a bit clearer in that direction!

Price of gas on the Haul Road. Yes gas was $5.19 a gallon.

gas station on the daltonAnd this is what the gas station looks like.

Arctic Circle

Fireweed, Dalton Highway

Summer Solstice, midnight on the Tanana River.

Solstice on the Tanana

Our cabin is very homey.  I love the gingham curtains I made.

My music corner.

Me and Olivia’s side of the bedroom.  The upstairs is one big bedroom divided in half by the staircase.

Jordan and his best friend Chris.

I got my hair cut.

4 thoughts on “Anniversaries and the Right Path

  1. Canuckette says:

    Wow. What great pictures! The scenery there is incredible. I live in the city, so for me a park is big space. I don’t know what I would do with all the space you have. I envy you. And few people in sight too. Another bonus. 🙂


  2. John says:

    Glad to see you are back posting. I was wondering what was going on with you and your new adventure. I really do like the idea of the outhouse at the end of the walkway. Keep on posting.


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