10 Years in Alaska

On Christmas Eve 2003, I arrived here with my then 2 year old daughter and my 5 year old son.  I had the help of my parents and one of my aunts was our landing spot upon arrival.  I was in a rear wheel drive Cutlass Supreme.  It’s large trunk and all floor boards were filled with my most precious worldly possessions and the minimum requirements of setting up a bare house hold.  The drive was days and days of slippery, sliding, white knuckle driving.  But I knew the moment I crossed the state line that I had found my home.  I took this picture right near the boarder.  It is the Wrangell-St. Elias National Park.  “At 13.2 million acres which is bigger than the country of Switzerland, Wrangell-St. Elias stretches from one of the tallest peaks in North America, Mount St. Elias (18,008) to the ocean. ”

I have hung this photo in every place I have lived in for the last 10 years.  It will always remind me of the first time I FELT Alaska.  It was powerful.  I stopped in the middle of the road to take this picture.  There were no cars coming, no rush, no kids fussing in the back seat.  It filled me with both peace and longing.


This was also taken on our way up, Haines Junction I believe.  I loved the look of the sky; mysterious, mystical, meaningful.  It was just the barest of hints of the mystery and magic yet to come.  The magic of the promise that IS Alaska.

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People tell me I am so lucky to live in Alaska.  I say to them that luck has very little to do with it.  Priorities, a tight budget, and working my ass off has got me here to where I want to be.  Of course, a little luck, or as I call it, My Alaska Karma, has helped here and there.

12 thoughts on “10 Years in Alaska

  1. cloud9doula says:

    Thank you Edie. And thank you for being one of my most dedicated readers and commenters. I always look for and enjoy your comments.


  2. frznchaos says:

    Just found your blog – love it! I am a lifelong Alaska. My parents came to Alaska in 1946 . . . my older siblings were all born in Fairbanks, and I have many relatives there (My daughter currently attends UAF). I live on the Kenai Peninsula – the banana belt I guess. It is so great to read of your enthusiasm for our great state, and I truly admire your adventurous spirit. Congratulations on such a outstanding blog ~ you epitomize the true Alaskan spirit! Rock on sista!


  3. Jagi Gandhi says:

    You are one lucky person. I visited Alaska 2 yrs ago snd never wanted to leave. I am still trying to figure out how I can go back and live in this beautiful country for few years. I am a microbiologist snd would love to explore the micobes in that remote area. Who knows we may find a microbe that makes rare anyibiotics to cure diseases. Csn you guide me!!!

    Enjoy beautiful last frontier!!!!

    Jagruti Gandhi PHD


    • cloud9doula says:

      Lol sorry Jagruti, I know very little about microbes other then the ones that make bread and beer! I don’t know what I would do if I ever had to leave the state. I can’t see myself ever allowing that to happen.


  4. Mark says:

    Very good stuff for a great book!

    (Hint, hint)


  5. doulamuse says:

    congratulations Fairbanks!


  6. Dario says:

    Well done!
    I visited Alaska in the 2011 and I loved it.
    Cheers from Italy


  7. Beautiful! No wonder you love Alaska so much. What a great story of perseverance and following your dream. Congratulations on ten years of living the life you chose! Thanks for sharing.


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