Update from Oklahoma.

We got here ok with no bumping of flights.  We stayed the night with my sister Char then her and my niece and nephew in law sent us up to Oklahoma with a lovingly packed ice chest of water and snacks and their nice little Ford Focus.  Now we are staying with my mother in law and brother in law in Duncan, OK. 

The first day we went up to the city, yesterday, brother in law Dave went up with us with the kids.  It’s a 90 mile drive.  They had put him on sedation to keep him in a medically induced coma to keep him from removing the intubation tube.  He had been in a coma from loosing so much blood.  Sat. they took him off sedation but he still had not waken up.  Since they had found several masses in his abdomen, they suspected were cancer and that it might have moved to his brain and that was why he was not waking up.  Yesterday they did a CT scan and it came back negative for brain cancer but they said they may  want to do an MRI at some time in the future. 

Today the kids stayed home with grandmother (Janet, my mother in law).  It was pretty hard on them seeing their dad in such a shape but they both did well.  Jordan chose not to go today so I kind of gently encouraged Olivia to stay as well.  So sister in law Kelly and I went up by ourselves.  Much to our surprise he opened his eyes and started moving around once we started to talk to him.  He was very agitated.  Even though his eyes were open, you could tell that he wasn’t  really able to focus or track, just kind of vacant.  So we just kept telling him it was ok, he was safe, not to thrash around so much, but do try to wake up, fight to wake up.  It was much more difficult to see him today in such a state then it was even yesterday.  He looked scared and not sure what was going on.  All that and not fully awake.  It broke my heart to see him like that.  I hope tomorrow will see even more improvement and hopefully once he is more aware, he will be able to be more calm. 

Then one of his doctors came in to talk to us.  I had told his nurse last night that I would be coming without the kids so would appriciate it if there was some one I could speak with.  He said they were just waiting on the test result from the last draining of his abdomen to confirm but he and the other doctors were pretty sure the masses they saw in his abdomen was cancer.  He couldn’t come right out and say it as they didn’t have the results yet, but he talked all the way around it in any manner possible.  If it is, he is not well enough to treat.  He is still very sick from the varicies bursting and the blood loss, etc. 

Thank you all for all the prayers and donations.  They mean the world to us and make it possible for us to stay here until things are resolved, one way or another.  I’ll update you when I can.  I don’t have a laptop so am at sister in laws house on her computer.  I also can’t use my phone here.  I can send text but not receive any so I send updates to Char with permission to post on my facebook to keep everyone as informed as possible. 

Blessings to you my friends,


10 thoughts on “Update from Oklahoma.

  1. Pamela's Little Sister, Debby says:

    G-sorry for your loss and I will be praying for you and all the family


  2. Joseph Ruggiere says:

    Thinking of you………♥


  3. Susan says:

    Thinking of you all, and keeping you all in our thoughts.


  4. Staica says:

    Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.


  5. Anthony Mckinley says:

    Thanks for the update Georganne, thoughts and prayers with you my friend


  6. Joe says:

    G, you are coping very well with this – I have a shoulder if you need it!


  7. Regina Van Lone says:

    Thoughts and prayers to all of you.


  8. mary hasche says:

    Prayers are with you from me!!


  9. Joe Hupp says:

    G, you are coping very well with this – I offer you my shoulder if need be!



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